The story of Little Moirs began on January 24th, 2002, when The Food Shack opened its doors for the first time to the residents of Jupiter, FL. The name “Little Moir” came from Mike Moir being the youngest of eight children, plus, he’s a fairly short guy. From the age of 14, Mike started his cooking career in the kitchens of Humber College in the Chef de Cuisine program and gained knowledge and respect for wordly cultures by traveling off the beaten pathways and alleys of many foreign lands, ranging from the jungles of Peru to the back streets of Jakarta.
Over the past decade, Little Moir’s Food Shack has come to be a very popular restaurant for locals and travelers alike. Our clientele is our most valuable asset. We are very lucky to have the loyalty of our frequently present patrons (you know who you are). The slogan from the beginning has been, “From top scholar to blue collar. Food for all walks of life.”